Showing 1 - 14 of 14 Results
Owner of the Shot Mining Company, Manhattan Mercury Mine, 1965-1981; Oral History Transcript... by Wilder, James William ISBN: 9781152477469 List Price: $20.49
Owner of the Shot Mining Company, Manhattan Mercury Mine, 1965-1981 : Oral history Transcrip... by Wilder, James William, Casb... ISBN: 9781176914940 List Price: $23.75
Owner of the Shot Mining Company, Manhattan Mercury Mine, 1965-1981: oral history transcript... by Eleanor Swent, James Willia... ISBN: 9781293749500 List Price: $23.75
Owner of the Shot Mining Company, Manhattan Mercury Mine, 1965-1981: Oral History Transcript... by Eleanor Swent, James Willia... ISBN: 9781298603333 List Price: $23.95
Heart of Hamlet's Mystery; by Werder, Karl 1806-1893, Wil... ISBN: 9781362830139 List Price: $14.95
Heart of Hamlet's Mystery; by Werder, Karl 1806-1893, Wil... ISBN: 9781362830153 List Price: $24.95
Owner of the Shot Mining Company, Manhattan Mercury Mine, 1965-1981 : Oral History Transcrip... by Swent, Eleanor, Wilder, Jam... ISBN: 9781018117744 List Price: $15.95
Owner of the Shot Mining Company, Manhattan Mercury Mine, 1965-1981 : Oral History Transcrip... by Swent, Eleanor, Wilder, Jam... ISBN: 9781018112749 List Price: $26.95
Owner of the Shot Mining Company, Manhattan Mercury Mine, 1965-1981: Oral History Transcript... by Swent, Eleanor, Eleanor Swe... ISBN: 9781375917865 List Price: $13.95
Owner of the Shot Mining Company, Manhattan Mercury Mine, 1965-1981: Oral History Transcript... by Eleanor Swent, James Willia... ISBN: 9780342698622 List Price: $13.95
Owner of the Shot Mining Company, Manhattan Mercury Mine, 1965-1981: Oral History Transcript... by Eleanor Swent, James Willia... ISBN: 9780342698639 List Price: $23.95
Owner of the Shot Mining Company, Manhattan Mercury Mine, 1965-1981: Oral History Transcript... by Eleanor Swent, James Willia... ISBN: 9780344682797 List Price: $22.95
Owner of the Shot Mining Company, Manhattan Mercury Mine, 1965-1981: Oral History Transcript... by Eleanor Swent, James Willia... ISBN: 9780344682780 List Price: $22.95
Owner of the Shot Mining Company, Manhattan Mercury Mine, 1965-1981: Oral History Transcript... by Eleanor Swent, James Willia... ISBN: 9780344682803 List Price: $39.95